Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Program in Water Research at 
Colorado State University

Mentor Information

Name Grant E. Cardon

Title Associate Professor

Department Soil and Crop Sciences

Work Phone 491-6235

FAX 491-0564


Project Title Drainage Water Quality/Salinity Control Strategies in the lower Arkansas River Valley, Colorado

Project Abstract The student intern will be involved in lab and field work associated with the measurement of soil and water salinity from over 80 grower field sites in the Arkansas River Valley. Two water and soil sampling trips to the Arkansas valley will be scheduled during the student's study period, with lab work follow up to measure soil sample moisture content, salinity, and texture, which are used as variables in a comprehensive calibration of indirect salinity measurement techniques used in the field sampling program. The student will contribute to a uniquely extensive database which is part of a comprehensive GIS-based, basin-wide model of water diversion, use, and quality interactions in this irrigated region. The student will spend time becoming oriented to the other aspects of the integrated project such as database development, hydrologic modeling, GIS development, field and lab intrumentation, and field and lab work management. It is intended that the student contribute toward the draft of a scientific journal article planned to follow the sucessful completion of this summer's field and lab work. The Student's registration will also be provided to attend the Western Soil Science Society of America meetings being held here on the CSU campus June 3 through 5, as part of their overall experience. The student will be part of a team comprising 8 researchers in Soil and Crop Sciences, Civil Engineering, and Ag and Resource Economics, along with several undergraduate and graduate students. The team will meet monthly during the summer to report on progress of the various components of the research, and the REU student will be asked to attend and participate in those research coordination meetings.