Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Program in Water Research at
Colorado State University


Sex Male  Female 

Age Marital Status


Ethnic Origin/Descent:

African/Black American
Asian American*
Native American

(*Far East, S.E. Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Pacific Islands) 

Major Field

How did you learn about the REU Program in Water Research at CSU?

What are your expectations of the research experience?

Are you interested in a career in water research? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Have you thought about attending graduate school when you finish your undergraduate degree?  If yes, why? If no, why not?

Thank you for filling out this pre-experience questionnaire.

You may  when done, or  if you want to start over.

Jorge A. Ramirez
Colorado State University
Last revised: June 04, 2001